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Jozébio Esteves Gomes

Project Coordinator, Competitiveness and Forestry Technology at Eldorado Brasil


Digital transformation in forest-based companies

Changes in behavior in society and the dissemination of new technologies increasingly require adaptability from companies in the forestry sector. Succeeding in the digital transformation process is one of the guarantees for maintaining the business in the long term, in a competitive and sustainable way. And, for this journey of digital transformation to happen, it is necessary to reduce failures to increase the chances of success.

According to studies published by Mckinsey, it is clear that only 30% of companies are successful in their digital transformation initiatives, showing that 70% of companies fail in this process, which is no different in the forest-based sector. To this end, the lessons learned in recent years of great technological advances have shown us that sharing a purpose that inspires transformation, as well as a clear vision of the objectives to be achieved, are extremely fundamental to achieving success on this journey.

For capital-intensive companies, such as those that make up the forest-based sector, any technology and innovation implemented that leads to an improvement or change in a process to increase productivity and reduce operational costs, causes major impacts. Such impacts can be positive when well implemented, or negative when they fail to fulfill their purpose due to the lack of a clear vision of it.

We are experiencing a new modern era, in which problem-solving and decision-making increasingly happen in real time. This completely changes the game in the production chain, especially for companies in the forest-based sector. Today, fire occurrences can be monitored remotely; It is possible to control machines and equipment in real time and even monitor the performance of employees in the field, supporting managers with Remote Intelligence and Solutions Information, like what we do at Eldorado with the so-called Iris room.

Developing a leadership style that establishes necessary links between a vision of digital transformation and positive results is a major challenge for companies in the forest-based sector. From this perspective, supporting a sustainable financial vision of the business, with the inclusion of new technologies and innovations, requires focus on improving the ability to influence and work together with the parties involved in the digital transformation process, avoiding communication noise and managing crises during the change and implementation of new processes.

In addition to building an environment of support and trust, the Digital Transformation of a company is also important for the success of the chosen purpose. Being open to employees' ideas is essential to accelerate processes of good digital practices, promoting a participatory culture with the engagement of leaders and followers on this journey. The promotion of collaborative environments and moments is important for raising ideas and priorities that contribute to the identification of improvements and the insertion of new technologies and innovations, inherent to production processes.

Encouraging experimentation is another important point to stimulate creativity and innovation, especially for those who want to develop people and processes capable of learning and adapting quickly to digital changes within organizations. Building the mindset that changing course is not something negative is also necessary within a digital transformation process, as well as building a mindset of failing quickly, communicating changes transparently.

The use of technology in favor of the vision is essential to involve users throughout the digital transformation process. It is common that, in a digital transformation journey, users are introduced to the technology or innovation only in the final phase of implementation, which makes it difficult to adhere to and disseminate it at all stages of the production processes.

However, when the user is included during all stages of development and creation, understanding is positive, which allows, in many cases, the improvement of the digital transformation project carried out. Investing in collaboration is another important factor, as it increases the chances of success in digital transformation, as it makes employees feel that their contributions and ideas are valued by companies.

Thus, it is possible to create new ways of working and encourage future projects, as well as actions that can serve as driving forces for the implementation of new technologies and innovations. The adoption of emerging technologies and innovations is inevitable in the production chain of forest-based companies and, nowadays, many of them are already being widely implemented in operational processes.

Therefore, it is necessary for organizations, through their leaders, to improve their good digital transformation practices, so that this journey achieves the desired success in the chosen purpose, ensuring a return on investments and guaranteeing the potential gains defined for each of the projects. implemented.