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Hernon José Ferreira

Forestry Director of the Eucatex Group


The human factor as a differentiator in technological advancement

Planted forests have played a fundamental role in the country's economy, boosting segments such as the furniture industry, civil construction and the pulp and paper sector. Technological advancement is crucial in this context in order to allow increased productivity in line with the sustainability of forestry operations.

However, we cannot fail to recognize that for any movement in the forestry sector, the key element is the high performance team, which is committed to making the best decisions and thereby obtaining competitive advantages in a sector heated by forestry assets. Brazil has been a global leader in developing technologies for wood production in pine and eucalyptus forest plantations. From the genetic improvement of species, to fertilization techniques, the use of geographic information systems, forestry 4.0, mechanized harvesting and forestry logistics with a wide range of technological packages are applied to enhance forestry operations and thus increase productivity.

Integration between the areas of planning, research and development and forestry operations is necessary to ensure that innovative technologies and practices are implemented effectively. The planning area is responsible for defining the company's strategic goals and objectives, as well as developing short, medium and long-term plans to achieve them, by integrating information from forest inventory, georeferencing, market and productivity analyzes forestry. In this way, this area identifies opportunities and innovative practices to maximize and optimize forestry operations.

The research and development area, in partnership with research centers and universities, implements experiments to study the development of new genetic materials and the improvement of management techniques, seeking to anticipate possible future variability that may require changes or adjustments to current technological packages. Through field trials and laboratory tests, we evaluate the potential of new clones focusing on the characteristics of interest, such as: volume, density, resistance to pests and diseases linked to good forest management practices. Monitoring systems are designed to check whether the results achieved are aligned as recommended in the research lines.

Once in possession of the guidelines from the planning area, the forestry operations area is responsible for complying with the activity schedule, as well as for monitoring and managing forestry activities aimed at supplying production units with wood that meets the density, humidity and volume assumptions. with competitive costs.

The control and support areas aim to demonstrate that the entire process is systematized, controlled and being conducted with quality, socio-environmental responsibility and employee safety, respecting applicable legislation and the requirements of certification standards. Eucatex, in its environmental management system and forestry management audits, shows society that all actions, which arise from integration between areas, provide positive returns in the process, in the social and environmental spheres.

As stated, technological development is a fundamental pillar for increasing the productivity of forestry assets and improving operational returns. However, none of this is enough if we don't have a motivated, synergistic and high performance team playing its role on a daily basis. In a world in constant evolution and change, the engagement of a team promotes the continuous search for creative and innovative solutions to the challenges faced, thus becoming more willing to experiment with new technologies and trends, evaluate their effectiveness and make adjustments. necessary to meet the specific needs of each area in line with the company's strategic planning.

The organizational culture of cooperation at the Eucatex Group's Forestry Unit encourages open, noise-free and transparent communication between different areas and facilitates the sharing of information and knowledge, which leads to improved processes. Here, we also respect experience and value youth, in a healthy mix of generations that ranges from professionals with more than 20 years in the company to young graduates, who arrive eager to learn and with energy to enjoy the beginning of their career in an environment where everyone shares different knowledge and worldviews.

In addition, we prioritize training with training for constant updates of teams, at different hierarchical levels, in order to contribute to professional growth and development of technical skills and people management, in order to prepare them to implement new technologies effectively. In summary, we can say that the secret to success will be to have a committed team, which works to promote technological advances to increase the productivity of planted forests, with a focus on lasting and sustainable results.

Our management is open to innovation, experimentation and continuous learning, and this is how we can ensure we remain at the forefront of global technological development and boost the competitiveness and success of the forestry sector in the long term. We believe that our legacy for the sector is a management focused on lasting and sustainable results with the formation of multidisciplinary teams from different generations committed to good forest management where we respect individualities, preserve good relationships with our stakeholders, ensuring the well-being and sustainability of future generations.