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Pedro Alves Correia Neto

Director of the Department of Reforestation and Recovery of Degraded Areas of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock


The path of harmony

Co-authors: Jaíne Ariéli Cubas, General Coordinator of Forestry Development and Fernanda Borges de Lima, Forestry Recomposition Coordinator, both from MAPA

The Brazilian forestry sector can be defined as different chains of goods and services originating from forests that work in synergy, producing and protecting, seeking an adjustment between ecosystem sustainability and conservation of natural resources, also considering profitability.

Planted forests represent, in addition to the production of wood and non-wood products, the promotion and generation of direct and indirect jobs, increased income for the local community, recovery of degraded areas, and places the country in the spotlight in the world economy as the largest producer and exporter of cellulose and paper currently.

The reality of the plantations does not diminish the grandeur of native forests. We have the largest area covered by tropical forest in the world, with emphasis on the Amazon, where, in addition to wood, it is a source of fruits, oils, resins, among several other products widely consumed by the domestic and foreign markets, whether for fresh consumption or for the production of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. We cannot forget the immense carbon capture and storage capacity.

In recent years, forestry issues have shown significant importance worldwide, mainly due to the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Given the potential and importance of the forestry sector, we are faced with efforts to create and implement public policies for forestry governance. These efforts resulted in one of the most complete and restrictive legislation regarding the preservation and conservation of native vegetation, such as the Forest Code.

We are not only a forestry power, but also an agricultural one. We stand out as a major food producer, where in the last 40 years, the country went from being a food importer to becoming a major supplier to the world. Significant increases in agricultural production and productivity were achieved, becoming one of the main players of global agribusiness. Today, more is produced on each hectare of land, a very important aspect for the conservation of natural resources.

However, we can make a lot of progress by increasingly spreading conscious and sustainable management. We can value biodiversity and the economic potential of forest products, abandoning the merely exploratory approach to a production model capable of reconciling natural capital with social gains.

Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has the Department of Reforestation and Recovery of Degraded Areas, which, among its responsibilities, works towards forestry development, promoting sustainable use, stimulating forestry production chains, promoting the basic economy forestry throughout the national territory. This has provided positive impacts on social, economic and environmental aspects. It also aims to plan and implement agricultural policy for planted forests and thus integrate it with other policies and sectors of the economy.

An initiative by the Department of Reforestation and Recovery of Degraded Areas is to create a strategic plan to increase 4 million hectares, aligning efforts to expand planted forests with the goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, with the planting of trees with commercial purposes in areas of degraded pastures, areas suitable for receiving reforestation, considering logistics, water, soil, climate, in addition to inducing and supporting productive recovery in areas of environmental liabilities in agricultural production units.

We want to create a dialogue with companies in the timber and non-timber planted forest sector, to explore their needs, challenges and pain points. Creating Public-Private partnerships, in order to promote cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and the private sector, attracting investments aimed at promoting planted forests (including non-timber products) and ratifying the allocation of financial resources from companies interested in demonstrating its concern with the country's environmental, social and corporate governance agenda.

Additionally, sponsoring companies can receive a “green title” from the government, which makes their participation public and strengthens their image in the domestic and international market.

According to the Report The state of the world's forests 2022, from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, there are three paths based on this: stopping deforestation and maintaining forests; restore degraded lands and encourage the expansion of agroforestry; and the sustainable use of forests by building green value chains. We are on the path to achieving harmony and achieving sustainable use and building chains that produce and conserve.